Three Signs You Need To Align Your Tires

Posted on: 7 April 2018

Your car's tires are subjected to a massive amount of stress and wear even through normal driving conditions. This can lead to rapid degradation of their structural integrity, which can have a huge adverse impact on the performance and responsiveness of your vehicle while driving. In particular, constant wear on your tires can transfer into the suspension of your vehicle, causing your tires to come out of alignment and causing all sorts of other issues for your car. [Read More]

The "Helicopter" Customer: How To Soothe These Anxious Car Owners

Posted on: 4 December 2017

You have heard of "helicopter parents," right? They are parents that actually hover around their child's school, watching everything their kids do just to make sure their kids are doing everything right. While it is understandable that these parents want to protect and help their children, it can be more disruptive than helpful. Similarly, "helicopter customers" are customers who are worried sick about their wrecked cars and want to hover around all day to watch everything you do in your collision repair shop. [Read More]

Three Essential Truck Modifications That Can Make You The Savior Of The Off-Road Trail

Posted on: 1 December 2017

Whether it's touristy campers or naive mudders, a lot of people tend to venture off road without fitting their trucks with the proper equipment. Many of them wind up stuck in the mud and crying for help. With these three modifications, you can help save your fellow off-roaders and be the hero of the trail. Proper Mud Tires Any truck with a good all-wheel-drive system can hold its own on tame dirt roads. [Read More]

2 Ways To Make Sure Your Trucks Stay In Good Running Shape

Posted on: 25 November 2017

If you have a company which needs to have a truck fleet in order to do business, one of your biggest priorities is to make sure that the trucks stay in good shape and keep running. Each time a truck goes down, you are out some money. Not only do you have to deal with repairing or even possibly replacing that truck, you also have to make sure that you have coverage for whatever that truck would otherwise be doing. [Read More]